Thursday 15 September 2011


By Smart O. Oyejide
Every body with excess body fat or weight will love to loss it faster than imagined. Growing bigger than normal could be for embarrassing if not checked on time.
I have had several consultations with clients wishing to shed weight by the nature of work that I do.
Medical professionals all over the world today recommend losing 1 to 2 ibs per week for a healthy, gradual, lasting and comfortable weight loss without stress. You do not have to spend a big fortune or loss your money to reduce your weight. If that has been your experience in the past, now you can put a stop to it. Weight losing is not as difficult as before. It does not have to be that way too.
However for faster weight loss where you still maintain your health and good look, you may make additional adjustments to your diet and exercise regimens. Stop the habits of eating whatever comes your way. Excess food will make you look exclusively bigger than normal. You have a wonderful shape if you can exercise some cautions as regards what to eat on regular basis if shape if you can exercise some cautions as regards what you eat on regular bass. If you must appear better in shape and body as from now on, avoid seriously calories culture while is characteristic of crashing and starvation diets. The reason is that such an act or behaviors can back fire and result in uncontrollable cravings, binges and yoyo dieting, this is a great mistake among weight losers. You are serious warned to stay clear of anything that will compound your problem instead of getting you better.
However, if you can listen and follow my sincere advice, here are fastest and better ways to reduce weight without any side effects or regards
Exercise is good but there is a better way to it, there are exercises, and there are exercises. You need to be highly selective with all forms of exercises will improve your situation. If you don’t mind, you can visit this link, for a wonderful e-book that explains vividly some of the best exercise for weight loss.
Here is an extra for your practice get at least I hour of the week straight non stop, look, you are to perform this exercise at moderate intensity, so that your  heart rate increases you break a sweat but you are still able to hold a conversation softly and systematically, incorporates speed-walking, water aerobics or bicycling. You can comply all the three if you have the resources at your disposal.
Toward it, learn to exercise vigorously for just 30 minutes, 5days per weak. Your heart rate and breathing increase and you can only speak a few words. In addition, go running, swimming or ride a bike up hill. Be moderate, don’t over do it. Things will soon appear better. It is a matter of days.
          (2) In additions, start performing strength training exercises on 2 days of the week. Strength training is good for healthy living and longevity.
          In strength training, you born more calories and after words, when resting your body system still burn more calories solely because to maintain good muscles tissue, your body has to work extremely harder than when it maintain fat.
However, from practical experience, perform strength training exercise that use your body weight, includes lunges, push ups and squats and incorporated nice exercises with free-weights and well constructed weight lifting machines. You must be very selective in your approach ensure that the appliances are in good working condition.
(3) With time, add intervals to your card vascular routine. This is very essential .always remember that you grew excess fat over time. It will equally take some time to return to the desired shape. According to fast health clinic, addicting intensity intervals to your cardiovascular exercise increase the amount of calories you burn.
Therefore, ride a bike at moderate intensity for just two minutes. Speed up as fast as you can for 1 to 2 minutes. Switch from moderate to more intensity over the duration of your workout. You will enjoy it.
(4) Meanwhile, consume fever calories on daily basis. How did you determine this? Simply multiply your current weight in pounds by 7 to find out or determine the amount of calories you can consume daily to loss weight while still maintaining your health. Recently, WEB MD recommends you do not go under 1200 calories a day without medical supervision.
(5) Excess of every thing is bad. You have to watch your intake of starch. Reduce starch intake to the beeriest minimum. Instead you can start consuming complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, whole wheat pasting and brown rice. However, for your own sauce, if you must have starches eat starches very early in the day and reduce or avoid them as the day goes on. Mean while, you can fill up on fresh vegetables, fruits, (assorted), lean meats, nonfat diary products and clean water.
(6) Monitor everything about yourself until things appear as you want your body to be. Therefore, you will need to keep a food and exercise, journal to help you stay focused. Record correctly your daily food in take and your daily exercise routine. Don’t let this be a burden to you. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
          If your weight loss stops, consult immediately your journal to see what is responsible for it and where you can make adjustments fast and better.
          It takes you to be wanted you want to be you and held responsible for whatever be the result of your intended actions.
(7) You need some rest anyway. Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, because a lack of sleep keeps your metabolism from functioning properly during your walking hours. You are also les stress resistant during the day when you are sleep deprived. Infact, you may give in to cravings quicker and sabotage your diet. To sleep is good, but never over do it.
          For more facts and materials that can assist in your weightless without stress.